Trojan Horse

What is Trojan?

Trojan horse, or Trojan, is a type of malware that masquerades as a legitimate file or helpful program with the ultimate purpose of granting a hacker unauthorized access to a computer. Trojans do not attempt to inject themselves into other files like a computer virus. Trojan horses can make copies of themselves, steal information, or harm their host computer systems. Many trojans rely on drive-by downloads or install via online games or internet driven applications in order to reach target computers. The term is derived from the Trojan Horse story in Greek mythology because Trojan horses employ a form of “social engineering,” presenting themselves as harmless, useful gifts, in order to persuade victims to install them on their computers.

A trojan is used for

1.Capturing the user's screen

2.Crashing the computer

3.Keystroke logging (Including usernames and password )

4.Use of the machine as part of a botnet (e.g. to perform  

    automated spamming or to distribute Denial-of-service attacks)

5.Electronic money theft

6.Data theft (e.g. retrievin
g passwords or credit card


7.Installation of software, including third-party malwares

8.Downloading or uploading of files on the user's computer

9.Modification or deletion of files

10.Anonymising internet viewing

These are some few functionality of trojan horse, different scripts have different functions.

Popular trojan horses

  • Netbus (by Carl-Fredrik Neikter)
  • Subseven or Sub7(by Mobman)
  • Y3K Remote Administration Tool (by Konstantinos & Evangelos Tselentis)
  • Back Orifice (Sir Dystic)
  • Beast
  • Zeus
  • The Blackhole exploit kit
  • Flashback Trojan (Trojan.BackDoor.Flashback)

Avoiding Trojan 

1. Never execute programs unless they are from a trusted source.

2. Never open e-mail attachments unless you know who they're from, especially attachments with the extensions .exe,                .ink and .vbs.

3. Update your antivirus and security software on a regular basis.

4. Install patches and security updates for your operating system and software as they become available.

5. Beware of homemade CDs and floppy disks or pen-drive. If you plan to use these disks in your computer, scan them    with your anti-virus software first.

6. Never accept programs transferred by instant messaging applications.

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Hello, I am Piyush Ranjan, a computer engineering student from India. I love coding and talking on technology. Most of the time I am glued to my laptop watching movies, listening songs, blogging or coding.


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